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Humboldt Research Fellowship

The Humboldt Research Fellowship supports highly qualified postdoctoral and experienced researchers from all over the world (excluding Germany) to conduct research in Germany. This prestigious fellowship, sponsored by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, offers the opportunity to work with a host institution of your choice, providing individual support and a wide range of benefits.


Fellowship Details

– Target Group: Postdoctoral and experienced researchers
– Eligibility: Researchers from all countries except Germany
– Duration: 6–24 months
– Location: Germany


Fellowship Offer

The Humboldt Research Fellowship allows you to undertake independent research at various stages of your career with a German host institution. Hosts can apply for a subsidy towards research costs.

Financial Support Includes:

– Monthly fellowship amount:
     – Postdoctoral researchers: €2,670
     – Experienced researchers: €3,170
– Additional benefits: family allowances, travel expenses, and private health insurance subsidies
– Flexible start date and intensive language course for fellows and marital partners

Postdoctoral Researchers

– Duration: 6 to 24 months
– Requirements: Doctorate completed within the last four years or nearing completion
– Publications: Must have published in internationally reviewed academic journals and publishing houses

Experienced Researchers

– Duration: 6 to 18 months (divisible into up to three stays within three years)
– Requirements: Doctorate completed within the last twelve years
– Publications: Extensive list of publications in internationally reviewed academic journals and publishing houses

General Conditions

– Nationality: Non-German nationals or those who have lived and worked abroad for more than five years with a strong connection to their current country of residence
– Stay in Germany: Applicants should not have lived in Germany for more than six months in the 18-month period prior to the application
– Language Skills: Good knowledge of German or English, depending on the research field


Application Process

1. Documents:

– Curriculum vitae (max. 2 pages)
– Research outline (max. 5 pages)
– Complete list of publications
– List of selected key publications
– Key publications
– Doctoral certificate or proof of completion within six months
– German language certificate, if required
– Publisher’s acceptance notifications and/or translations if publications are not in German or English
– Host’s statement and confirmation of research facilities
– Two expert reviews

2. Submit Application:

– Applications must be submitted online only.
– Ensure all required documents are uploaded before submission.

3. Deadlines:

– The Selection Committee meets every March, July, and November.
– Submit your application well in advance of the desired selection date.
– Applications are processed within four to eight months.


Selection Procedure

– Selection Rate: 20-25% of applications are approved.
– Post-Application: Receive confirmation via email and notification of the selection date.
– Outcome: If successful, begin fellowship between two and twelve months after selection. Unsuccessful applicants can request feedback and may re-apply after significant improvements to their application.


Alumni Programmes

The Humboldt Foundation maintains contact with its fellows even after their research stay ends, offering alumni sponsorship to support their career and future research collaborations. Options include return fellowships and later visits to Germany.


How to Apply

To apply for the Humboldt Research Fellowship, submit the necessary documents online to the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. If you have any questions, please contact at for assistance.


Additional Information

For further details and guidance, use the following resources:
– [Programme information for postdocs (PDF)]
[Programme information for experienced researchers (PDF)]
– [Information for hosts]
– [Information for expert reviewers]
– [Information for independent peer reviewers]
– [Recently selected fellows]